I hope this quick foray into my head finds you well. It has been a very long time since I've sat down to type a blog for you. Too long for some, perhaps not long enough for others. In my defense: I've been alternately busy, lazy, or over-stimulated to pour too much effort into such a time consuming undertaking.
I am still plugging away at the opportunity to play music for a living. Sometimes things go too fast to manage properly. Most of the time, things drag on for days, weeks, months and other lengths of time. The good news is I have finished the recording of five songs and have put them together on a CD that you can now purchase.
I would be honored if you got a copy (or more...they make great gifts)! Just click the link below to order one from my PayPal store. Again, hopefully you are well and will enjoy the music I have created (with the best help from my amazing friends!).
Pinehurst EP
Get a copy (or ten) for only $8
Medium, Large and X-Large sizes!
ONLY $12!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you would like to donate to the cause and help pay for 'Pinehurst' by clicking the link below!!