Tuesday, March 27, 2007

As if you didn't know....

Not that this will come as a shock to anyone who reads this: but I am officially an idiot.

Maybe I'm just having a streak of bad luck.....or maybe I was just too drunk all of last week to realize what was actually going on. But without mentioning the nitty gritty details, or any names.....let me put it in terms you should understand. I am a monumental idiot.

My trip home was awesome. I saw a lot of really great friends that I hadn't seen in a while and met a few new friends that were really great people! I drank entirely too much (also, not a shock for anyone reading this) and slept very little (slightly uncharacteristic for me).

I got to see a LSU Baseball game......GEAUX TIGERS!

I tagged along with my friends to a bachelor party for my buddy David. I got to see some naked women. I spent all of my money.

I got to play a gig with my best friends and a couple of amazing bands: Veara and Stand Up Citizens.

I got to play for my friends David and Lacey's wedding and see them begin their life together. I got sloppy drunk at the reception. And somehow Brian managed to convince the reception band that we should play. I was very against the idea at first, but I am thoroughly glad that I sucked it up and played, because it was a ton of fun!

I ended up at the Spanish Moon and for some terrible stroke of luck kept drinking. Bad idea. I apparently made inappropriate phone calls and sent inappropriate text messages. But, whatcha gonna do?

Driving back to Nashville with a banging hangover was a miserable experience, but I made it. So I'm here. That's the end of my tale.

None of this really explains why I'm an idiot......but trust me.....as if you didn't know.....I am an Idiot.

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