Thursday, May 5, 2005

Big Decisions....

Appearently in life, there are several times in which a person has to make big decisions. As far as I know, I have recently encountered one of those times. I've been out of school for almost a year now. Having received my college diploma from LSU in the mail, after deciding to skip the ceremony because of the intrusion by George W. Bush, I have lived a relatively simple life that including working at C&M Music Center, playing my guitar, attempting to be a good songwriter, and drinking a lot of beer (I've done "Beers Around the World" three times at the Chimes).

I held that same job for just about 3 years and only a few months ago, I decided that I'd like to do something else. I gave up my roster spot to move on to what I thought would be a real career and a decent paycheck. The weekend that I thought that I was supposed to start, I got a phone call informing me the company I was going to work for had folded and the position I scrambled up my life for was no more.

So I'm not one to make snap judgements. Or, at least, I think I'm not. I like to let my situations sit and at some point, if I'm lucky, a solution will present itself. Being unemployed, I was happy to fill in at my old job a few times here and there. I mean, I'm not gonna turn down money. It was around this time (we've progressed to the middle of April, for those of you that aren't following along in your books), my sister proposed an idea. In that she lives in Brooklyn, NY, she suggested that she would pay my way up to and allow me to live with her in New York, as long as I could find something to do to support myself in other monetary ventures.

FLOORED! I can't believe that I have to make a decision like that. In the past, I've had an unpleasant relationship with my hometown. That could be an understatement. I've been relatively unhappy with the quality of life in Baton Rouge. Ok, that's understating the truth again. I fucking hate this town!

Or do I?

I thought at one time that I would do anything to get up and out of this town. Until actually given the opportunity. Most of my friends are here, some have been fortunate to get away, but I've also made more in the last year or so. I'm so used to my routine. My monday night drinking excursions, etc.

So here I am trying to make up my mind. And here are these wrenches being thrown into my spokes of progress. My old boss offers me my old job back with better hours. Brandon and Dana are moving back, and I really miss playing music with B and hanging out with the both of them. I guess I'm realizing that I'm very much into my comfort zone. And as un-manly as this sounds, that's a scary thing to leave behind.

After hearing that some other people I know are leaving town for the summer too, I went ahead and told my sister that I would come. I think I'm out of here on June 1st or so.

The good news is that Brandon will be back for my next gig, May 26th at Northgate Tavern. The bad news is that I still have to find a job up there.

I think I am actually out of things to say.

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