Monday, May 30, 2005

Here I go again....on my own.

Boy, I tell ya.....I wish my adventure could be marked by the dancing of Tawny Kitaen on the hood of my Jaguar. But somehow I doubt my venture into the real world will be as marvelous as that Whitesnake video from years back. Plus Ms. Kitaen doesn't quite look as good now as she did then. And then there was that episode where she beat the ever living hell out of her husband, former major league pitcher, Chuck Finley.

I digress.

It's official: I'm nervous as hell. I'm off to New York and I have no plan whatsoever. Who knows how that's gonna work out? Not me! I decided that flying by the seat of my pants might not have been the best idea in the world. All work related issues aside, and the fact that I don't have a job waiting for me, how in the world do I think I'm gonna cut it in the musically rich culture of New York City? I mean, I couldn't draw more than 10 or 15 people to my "last" show here in Baton Rouge, how am I gonna grab the attention of anyone in nyc?

Don't get me wrong. The people that did come to the show last week are some of the people that I care about the most in life. Great people, great friends! Holly even had a shirt that said "I Love Chris Keegan"! It was awesome.

But a pretty harsh question occurred to me when the 100 people cleared out of North Gate Tavern after the opening band played: How bad am I? To tell you the truth, I don't know. I thought I was fairly decent. I'm not Whitesnake, but I thought I could hold my own.

It's really this question that has me shaking in my shoes when it comes to this move. There is no telling what will happen....but my thought process brings me back to this question each and every day.

Wish me luck. No, really.....wish me luck. Call, write, email. I need all the encouragement I can get. Plus I'm gonna be incredibly lonely once I get there. So I hope to hear from someone soon.

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