Friday, June 10, 2005

My Theory on "Getting Your Hopes UP"

You know when you were a kid, and you and a friend made plans to spend the night and one of your houses?
Do you remember how those plans were always contingent on your parent's permission?
Do you also remember that if you and said friend made plans that were too intricate and spent all day "getting your hopes up", that the decision-making parental unit always said "NO"?

Here's what I think. (Obviously since I'm writing this)

If you spend too much time thinking about something and how you would like it to work out, it almost always fails, miserably. This is called "getting your hopes up". And I have no idea why I keep placing that phrase in quotations, it just seems like it emphasizes my point.

So now that I'm in New York.....I'm quickly realizing that I got my hopes up. Granted, I've only been here for three days (creeping into my fourth as I type), but so far, everything has gone totally and utterly wrong. Things have gone the exact opposite of the way I "mentally strategized" them. I should have seen the flight cancellation as a bad omen, but that was hard because I got to meet Sam and Catherine and have a drink. (for more on that story, see my other blog on my other myspace profile)

So after arriving a day late and a buck short, I had to walk down to my sister's office to get some keys, then had to traverse this scary new place, just to find my door. I basically sat around and waited and waited for something to do, since I'm too much of a pussy to actually go do something by myself. Wednesday was supposed to be full of excitement. Alas, everything fell through. I couldn't meet up with either of the guys that could possibly help me find a job. I couldn't get in touch with my two new friends. I couldn't get my fucking debit card to run so that I could buy lunch.

Today was worse. I get up, excited that I could get done what had not been done the day before. I get showered, dressed, and ate breakfast and was about to go on my merry way when I realized that I was a bit short on ca$h. "No problem," I think to myself as I wander downstairs to the tiny little grocery store's ATM.


Try again.


What about in savings?



Run back upstairs, check my account balance: OVERDRAWN.
I'm officially screwed so I call the bank to see what happened. As it turns out my last paycheck never got deposited. That's definitely not good. All my bill payments will probably bounce and the best part is that I have $7 in cash and $2 in quarters for my next subway ride, should my MetroCard be expired. Dammit.

Then, perhaps out of sheer frustration, my body freaks out and my blood sugar drops like a mosquito that ran into a bug zapper. 45 mg/dL. I know that looks like something odd to most of you. But normal range for blood sugar is between 80-120 mg/dL. I get sweaty and think nothing of it, since it's like 95 outside and there is no A/C in the apartment. So, I finally realize that I'm shaking because of the low sugar and not because of frustration, only to realize that the only thing in the fridge is tonic water, tofu, and some weird type of kosher cracker. Nothing with sugar or carbohydrates.......oh, and I only have $7 (did I mention that this city is fucking expensive?!?!).

Somehow, I get everything sorted out. So I make my way to midtown, roughly 50th St. I decide to go down to Sam Ash music store and see if Rich, a friend of my friend Ray, is working. He told me to come see him when I got to town and he might be able to help me locate a job opening. I get to the store and ask to speak to Rich. His off-day is today. Son-of-a-bitch. Just my luck. So I decide to wander down to 30th to try and take a peek at Ultrasound Rehearsal. Basically another friend-of-a-friend that I'm supposed to talk to now that I'm in town. And of course, I can't find the place.
So I figure I'll call my friend and see if she wants to hang out. She says she's shopping in SoHo and I could come meet her. Great, only about 30 blocks to SoHo, I can just walk. So about half an hour later, I'm in SoHo, and I call to see where she wants to meet up. "Oh, I went back home." FUCK! I just walked from 50th all the way to 1st and then to streets that don't have numbers (10 points to anyone who thought I was gonna say "Where the Streets Have No Names") and she's not even here anymore?!?!?! What's the point.

So I figure that I'm close and may as well do the tourist thing and go visit Ground Zero. It's sad because the first time I came to New York in '97, I took the WTC tour. Got to stand on the roof and everything. Now, there is a big nothingness. It was incredibly sad. They have a wall with names on it and a timeline of the events of that tragic day. Hopefully, something more permanent will be constructed. I've seen the Memorial in Oklahoma City at the site of the bombing of the Federal Building, and cried like a baby because I was so moved. I'm sure someone will pay proper tribute to the Fallen Towers.

I could go on and on about crap that happened to me today. The retard at Burger King that wouldn't give me a fucking refill on my $2.50 SMALL drink because "this is New York City." Who cares? I'm thirsty, bitch! I'd feel bad if she were actually retarded. Anyway, perhaps I've done enough complaining for one night. I'm sure more crap will happen in the coming days and I'll feel obligated to bitch and moan on this wonderfully addicting website. I miss my friends terribly. I want someone to wander around the city with. I really miss my puppy. There are so many people here with dogs and I just want mine too. I'm in a really whiny mood right now, but I'm too broke to go get drunk and sleep it off.

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