Friday, February 9, 2007

Sketches Of Lincoln

I suppose this rant is overdue.

Here I am. Finally in Nashville. Drove in on Monday, unpacked, chilled out. crashed out a while after midnight or so. And when I wake up the next morning?

I'm sick.

I hate getting sick. I hate being sick. I hate how long it takes to get well.....or to even feel "normal" again.

And is it just me, or when you blow your nose, do you catch yourself peeking at the results of your efforts? It's an odd habit, but I remember doing it since I was a kid. It's never as impressive as I'd hoped for. It's not like one day I'll magically blow out a green and yellow swirl of an Abraham Lincoln silhouette. It's always just going to be a mess in a Kleenex™. So why would I keep looking?

I apologize for the nature of the previous digression. It just happens that is what is on my mind. Or is it technically surrounding my mind? Irregardless, there is a lot of it up there, and it seems determined to escape through any oraface possible.

Ok. I promise that I'm done talking about my mucus infestation.

Other than's cold.
How come every year I forget how cold it can get in the winter. Perhaps it's because I'm still not used to the weather above 30° latitude. It's been in the 20s all week so far. I know that I've been in colder weather before. Hell, I lived in colder weather last winter. But somehow, I'm still freezing my testicles off......not that you wanted to know.

Well.....I need to go eat something so i can take the crappy Tylenol Cold crap that I struggle to believe is working. Take it easy, people.

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