Monday, August 23, 2010

I Needed This.

Americans are generally thought of as a lazy bunch by our friends around the world.
This week, I plan to fully embody that stereotype. I don't even mind.

I needed this vacation. Smitten as I am with my life as it currently is in Nashville, and one person in particular, I needed this. I will claim a rough past year as the necessary premise for my need. It is hard to be on a rollercoaster and not throw up....regardless if the rollercoaster is literal or figurative. A friend told me a few weeks ago that it was good to see me smile again, and to paraphrase the rest of the conversation, he didn't think he could handle me being that far down again. It feels good to smile again.

That being said, I can feel how positively affecting this has been already, to this point. I was lucky enough to witness, and be a part of, my dear friends' wedding. Congrats to Barb & Dave! The rest of this trip will be spent going with the flow. No particular plans. No scheduled activities. Just enjoying hanging out with great friends in a great city.

I don't think I fully understood or believed the hype about Key West until I got here. It is a pretty special place. Tourist-y? Sure. But immensely fun, nonetheless. I've been documenting the trip on facebook. I'll continue to do that. Here goes the rest of it.

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