Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Tour: Part 8

We're done. And that kinda sucks.

Let's see....where did I leave off?

Ah yes: More flyers were passed out, more people did try and avoid contact with us, and David did not let me give him a mohawk.

So, we woke up on Monday, had a decent lazy day, watched Old School. After a while we got up and went to the movies, saw "The Illusionist". It was good, not great, but good.....and Jessica Biel is still 100% Certified Bone-able.

We then trailed off to Decatur, courtesy of our excellent ATL tour guide, Sarah. We passed out several more flyers to a bunch of people that didn't want us harrassing them. At least we didn't have to throw all those flyers away on our own.

Sarah cooked us dinner, which was very cool of her. After that, we packed up and meandered to Eddie's Attic. Monday nights is open mic night. It was a cool room and there were several very talented artists. David went on and sported an AWESOME rock-n-roll mullet with some most excellent RED WHITE AND BLUE sweatbands! The only drag is that we only got to play two songs, which I think for both David and I is very much time at all to get warmed up on stage. Irregardless, David rocked the stage for his two songs, and then it was my turn. I tried to be charming and funny, but I'm not sure it worked. I think I played well. And if you'll humor me for a moment, and allow me to be slightly snotty, I think I played better than at least two of the three "finalists". But, oh well.

I dropped David off at his final destination and made it home a little later. A few more beers prompted me in to a pleasant but awkward sleep. I woke up a lot later than I wanted to, but after a good six hours in the car all by my lonesome, I made it back to Durham.

This venture was overall a great experience. We definitely didn't do this for the money. Sure, we sold a couple of CDs, gave away a lot of buttons and stickers and had a ton of great times. A few times, David made me laugh so hard, I cried. The bad part was that I was driving, and the sudden influx of saline made it very difficult to see, much less keep my contact lenses in my eyes. It's been a long time coming, but I finally got the chance to taste what its like to do what I want to do in life. It'd be nice to one day make a little pocket change for playing songs, but I couldn't have asked for more.

So thanks to everyone who supported the tour. Thanks to David for being awesome in 1 million different ways. To my 'rents for being supportive, as always. For our friends along the way, new and old, for keeping us dry, warm (although the August sun did its part there), and fed. I can't wait to do this again!

Stay tuned for the pictures!

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