Friday, August 18, 2006

Tour: Part One

Day one, done.
Woke up stupidly early, then fell back asleep for too long.
David bought a set of drums this morning, which actually has nothing to do with anything, except that I thought it was interesting.

I suppose it was about 1:30pm when we finally loaded our small amount of equipment into my SUV and trucked it toward the somewhat large state of Texas. My question is this: If "everything is bigger in Texas", then how large are things in Alaska? Seriously, that state is f-in' HUGE! Is everything "huge-r" in Alaska? I digress.

Dave took a nap. I had a low blood sugar. We stopped in Winnie, TX and I had a Whataburger. It was tasty, but I'll know next time to order it with fewer onions.....and more cheese.

We arrived at David's sister's house (everyone follow that?) at a little after 6:00pm following a relatively stress free drive. We took a few moments to play a little music, before we put our gear back in the car and drove to the venue to take more moments to play a little more music.

Man, am I glad that David has family in Texas. If it weren't for David's sister and cousin and their respective husbands, we would have had an audience of the proprietors of Mojo Risin' and this guy Steve, and maybe some crickets. As we would later learn, Steve was an English teacher (who had no favorite author) at a local Community College. He also claimed to be a professional harmonica player, a claim which I refuse to support or deny. David, being the extra-super-nice guy that we all know he is, invited Mr. Pro-Harmonica Blower (?) to blow on a tune.

"He was good though," said David.

David and I traded 40 minute sets and then shared the stage for two songs together at the end. It was fun, but for the next show, I totally need to write a set list. Yeah.

In review, Mojo Risin' is a cool place in Houston that serves coffee and coffee-related beverages.....but no beer. Man, I need a beer. They've been open for about a year and have grown their fan base slowly.......sloooooooooowwwwwwly.

As David put it so eloquently in his half-sleep stammering, "We should totally do this for real. You know, this touring thing?"
Then I said "Yeah, we should do this for real, 'cause I wanna proactive with some groupies."

I guess you had to be there.....but you weren't.

Stay tuned kiddies. More shows to come......tens of more people to expose to our unique brand of less-than-rock-n-roll.

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